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Artificial Intellegence 

Binarics uses advanced machine learning and deep learning algorithm to produce actionable results from complicated, multivariate problems. In a very short period of time, potentially millions of variables can be evaluated against business goals, every option weighed for its benefit and the very best path to success identified. Our team of data scientist and AI/ML Architect work on some of the cutting edge technology in the area of Images, video analytics, voice & text using computer vision, NLP and NLU technology. This breakthrough technology allows businesses to scale evolutionary AI techniques to solve the most complex business problems.


Improve Predictions: Evolving deep network architectures means the LEAF can automatically arrive at solutions that are better than alternatives that require many Ph.D.-days of human labor.


Automate Manual Task : Many manual task ranging from Radiologist reading a X-ray or a MRI scan to a store manager taking stock in large retail store can be automated using computer vision technology to drastically improve speed and accuracy.


Drive Impactful Outcomes: Evolving and iteratively improving a decision prescription system to impact what is most important to your industry.

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